
Students Working with Me

  • Nanshan Jia (Undergraduate @ PKU → PhD @ University of California, Berkeley)
    Joint project: Experimental Design for Testing Scheduling Policies in Queueing Networks
    Joint work with Zeyu Zheng and Ramesh Johari

  • Chenran Weng (Undergraduate @ USTC → PhD @ University of California, Berkeley)
    Joint project: Experimental Design for One-sided Matching Platforms
    Joint work with Xiao Lei

  • Chun Li (PhD @ ChicagoBooth)
    Joint project: Dynamic Pricing for Queueing Networks under Throughput Constraints
    Joint work with Baris Ata

  • Hao Liu (PhD @ Stanford)
    Joint project: Fusion Diffusion Models
    Joint work with Jose Blanchet

  • Haoyu Liu (PhD @ University of California, Berkeley)
    Joint project: Incentive-Compative Experiments in Platforms
    Joint work with Zeyu Zheng and Chang liu

  • Zitao Wang (PhD @ Columbia Stats)
    Joint project: Inference for Distributionally Robust Models with Multi-Source Data
    Joint work with Molei Liu and Zijian Guo